Workplace Violence in Healthcare has been top of mind in order to build awareness of this prevalent issue. Check back often as we will keep posting news as it becomes available or as PSHSA is featured in various publications as the subject matter expert in making the general public aware of this prevalent issue by changing mindsets.

Sexual Harassment by a Patient
May, 2020

Workplace violence: What we’ve learned
Jan., 2020

Canadian doctors’ mental health is suffering
Aug. 4, 2019

Nurse assaulted by patient at HSC suffering long term effects
Jul. 29, 2019

New national survey studying mental health in nurses
Jul. 26, 2019

The state of mental health in Canada’s healthcare workers
Jul. 25, 2019

PTSD concerns take centre stage after firefighters’ refusal to clean up trauma scene led to more chaos
Jul. 17, 2019

Protect nurses from violence so they can best care for patients
Jul. 16, 2019

Parliament moves to end violence in healthcare sector
Jun. 20, 2019

Nova Scotia Health Authority ordered to conduct safety review at hospital: union
Jun. 20, 2019

N.S health authority ordered to do safety review after pregnant nurse attacked
Jun. 18, 2019

Douglas hospital under scrutiny amid revelations of second attack
Jun. 14, 2019

Nurses call for end to workplace violence as attacks mount
Jun. 4, 2019

Violence facing healthcare workers in Canada: Report of the standing committee on health
Jun., 2019

Ontario investing in mental health to improve community safety and support frontline workers
May. 10, 2019

For nurses, trauma can come with the job
May. 7, 2019

Canadian HR Reporter – No Excuse for Workplace Violence
Apr. 30, 2019

Government releases workplace harassment and violence consultation report
Apr. 26, 2019

Violence in Long-term Care Facilities ‘normalized’ for workers: Study
Apr. 24, 2019

‘Part of the Job’ no excuse for workplace violence
Apr. 20, 2019

Violence against workers in long term care
Apr. 15, 2019

William Osler health system sets out plan to improve patient care
Apr. 10, 2019

Violence on the Job could decrease with new changes in provincial law, nurses say
Apr. 1, 2019

Violence against long term care workers, nurses at alarming levels across Ontario
Mar. 27, 2019

88% of long-term care staff experience violence
Mar. 26, 2019

New study looks at the violence suffered by staff in Ontario’s long-term care facilities
Mar. 26, 2019

Alberta OHS Workplace Violence and Harassment Investigation and Reporting – Maintaining Confidentiality
Mar. 3, 2019

Violence in GTA hospitals on the rise
Jan. 22, 2019

Help Coming for nurses struggling with mental health issues, substance abuse
Jan. 31, 2019

PSHSA Contributes to Hospital News – PTSD in Healthcare Professionals
Sep., 2018

Helping those in health care
Toronto hospital recognized for leadership in workplace mental health.
July 11, 2018

PSHSA Featured in Star Metro – Health–care Workers Face Violence on the Job
May 28, 2018

PSHSA Featured in May Edition of On The Go Magazine Page 20 – We All Have a Role in Reducing Violence in Healthcare
May, 2018

Pregnant nurse injured in attack by patient, Nova Scotia union says
Apr. 26, 2018

PSHSA Featured in National Post Healthcare Supplement – New Digital Solution Protecting Healthcare Workers from Workplace Violence
Mar. 21, 2018

Nurses Go To Work Expecting To Be Hurt By Patients
Feb. 5, 2018

PSHSA Cover Story for Hospital News – Taking Action Against Workplace Violence
Jan, 2018

Ontario expanding PTSD presumption to include nurses
Nurses would receive same coverage as paramedics, police officers.
Dec. 13, 2017

Workplace violence plagues personal support workers
Tamara Daly, a health services researcher and associate professor at York University, said research shows at least 40 per cent of personal support workers face workplace violence on a daily basis.
Nov. 26, 2017

Violence against front-line hospital staff on rise: Survey
Union wants enhanced legal protection for workers who report incidents to superiors.
Nov. 6, 2017

Health-care workers victims of physical violence more now than ever before
Oct., 2017

Preventing Patient-on-staff Violence
A new tool is being created in Ontario to assess workplace environments within mental health facilities to help prevent #patient-on-staff violence.
Oct., 2017

‘It shouldn’t be part of the job’ – CUPE campaigns against workplace violence in hospital
Incidents at Sudbury’s Health Sciences North include physical, verbal threats, or disorderly conduct.
Sep. 28, 2017

Enough is Enough: Safe Workplace For All
Putting a stop to violence in the healthcare sector – A Discussion Paper.
May 30, 2017

Health-care workers face ‘epidemic of violence’
The Ontario Council of Hospital Unions is urging the ministry of labour to do more to protect health-care workers who face daily threats of violence on the job.
Mar. 13, 2017

Patient Flagging May Decrease Violence in Healthcare
We continue to hear about concerning incidents of workplace violence across the country, particularly in the healthcare sector, against healthcare workers. The events that are reported in the media are only the most catastrophic, however statistics from workers’ compensation boards indicate that in some provinces, reported violent events against healthcare workers exceed those against police officers and correctional workers.
Feb. 17, 2016

Nurses being battered and bruised while on the job
It’s breakfast time at Toronto East General Hospital in Toronto and things are already heating up.
Nurse Doriann Duncan-Johnson is busy examining a patient who was brought in by police overnight.
So far, the patient has been very aggressive and spitting at the nurses.
Oct. 31, 2015

Preventing and Managing Workplace Violence in Healthcare
Mar. 31, 2015