Individual Client Risk Assessment

This toolkit addresses Individual Client Risk Assessment (ICRA) and has been developed to help identify behaviours and triggers associated with increased risk of violence so prevention measures for staff and the client may be taken.
The Violence Assessment Tool (VAT) provides a snapshot of a client’s immediate risk of violence by identifying behaviours associated with increased risk. With this insight, healthcare teams can efficiently assess the degree of risk, apply control interventions if needed, and improve worker safety while helping to increase quality of care. Following extensive stakeholder consultation, the VAT was adapted from the Broset Violence Checklist and the Dynamic Appraisal of Situational Aggression instrument for use in multiple care settings.
The VAT is for use in Acute Care, Long-Term Care, Community Care, and Emergency Services (EMS). It should be completed at first contact with the client, and according to your organization’s policies and procedures — e.g. in acute care this might be once every shift; in long-term care or home care it might be between prescribed Ministry documentation such as RAI-MDS or RAI-HC. Depending on the client’s individual circumstances, further assessment may be required.
Fillable version of the assessments:
Additional resources:
Assessing and Communicating the Risk of Workplace Violence
Visit for training such as this recorded webinar that provides participants with an overview of the PSHSA Violence Assessment Tool (VAT). Participants will also explore key elements and principles for developing a sustainable flagging alert program for communicating risks and controls to relevant staff.