Press Releases
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PSHSA Seeks Participation in Design and Development Consultation Forum for Workplace Violence in Healthcare Toolkits
June, 2018
Building a Culture of Workplace Safety through Quality Improvement
Dec. 15, 2017
Providing More Support for Nurses with PTSD
PTSD Presumption Would Help Expedite Treatment, Recovery and Return to Work
Dec. 7, 2017
Dr. Eric Hoskins Letter to Integrate Workplace Violence Prevention into Hospital’s Quality Improvement Plans
Nov. 6, 2017
Reducing and Preventing Workplace Violence for Healthcare Professionals
In August of 2015 Ontario established a Workplace Violence Prevention in Healthcare Leadership Table to better protect healthcare professionals on the job. Members reached out to stakeholders and experts, including patient advocates to gain advice on how to reduce and prevent workplace violence (WPV) for healthcare professionals.
May 16, 2017
PSHSA Launches Workplace Violence in Healthcare Toolkit – Ontario Taking Action to Better Protect Healthcare Workers in Preventing Workplace Violence
Workplace violence (WPV) is increasing for healthcare workers with both short-term and long-term effects costly to the worker and organization. “The issue of violence against healthcare workers is growing,” says Henrietta Van Hulle, Executive Director Healthcare and Community Service Sector of the Public Services Health and Safety Association (PSHSA). In Ontario, hospitals, nursing homes and home care are the largest segments in healthcare, representing over 75 per cent of approximately 787,000 healthcare workers. These sub-sectors also represent where WPV is most prevalent. In 2015, 31.8% of lost time injuries due to WPV in Ontario occurred in the healthcare sector and in Canada, out of 34 occupational categories, more workdays were lost among nurses than any other category.
May 8, 2017